Jajuk Source History up to 2010-01-14.

Video generated with Gource: download (28.4M)
Video generated with CodeSwarm: download (7.7M)

Steps to produce the Gource video

Get subversion history in XML format:
cd /root/of/checkout
svn log --verbose --xml > jajuk-svn.xml
Transform some user names to all lowercase:
sed -i -e 's/BFLORAT/bflorat/g'
Convert to format suitable for Gource, the script is availabe at http://code.google.com/p/gource/wiki/SVN:
svn-gource.py jajuk-svn.xml > jajuk-gource.xml
Create the movie:
gource -640x480 --max-user-speed 750 --background 000000 --output-framerate 25 -s 0.001 \
--hide-filenames --stop-position 1.0 --highlight-all-users --log-format custom --output-ppm-stream \
- jajuk-gource.xml | ffmpeg -y -r 25 -b 2000k -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -s qvga -i - gource.flv
After that perform post-processing, i.e. transcoding to a compressed video format and adding sound, ...

Steps to produce the Code_swarm video

See the Wiki page for general instructions, unfortunately the statements listed in the description are not fully working so make sure to read the comments to get the actual statements. Get the history from Subversion
cd /root/of/checkout
svn log -v > activity.log
cd /convert_logs
cp /activity.log .
python convert_logs.py -s activity.log -o activity.xml
Then prepare the configuration, see the link for detailed instructions.
And finally produce the frames for the video, again the actual statement depends on what target video format you would like to have.
Then you can do the same sort of postprocessing as above.